Through the phone via microscope and macro lens attachment

I have been looking at a variety of things and taking photographs through my phone.

The following images were taken through the microscope.

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From the recent PMS box – stonefly nymph mouthparts.

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More from the PMS box, stonefly nymph foot.

cranefly foot

Cranefly foot

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Found insect (hoverfly) wing

guard cells rhubarb stalk

Guard cells on stem of rhubarb

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Butterwort glandular hairs.


Salt crystal

The next set of images was taken using a macro lens attachment on my phone.

aphid 01


aphid 02


flower centre

Flower centre

goosegrass 01


goosegrass 02


hoverfly wing

Found insect (hoverfly) wing

sundew flower

Sundew flower

Morning with the microscope

The other morning I got the microscopes out for their first foray of 2016.

As I peered down the eyepiece to look at the dead dragonfly I that had been sent through the post I was aware of lots of movement; the mites had moved in.



The bee and housefly that arrived with the dragonfly had fewer passengers.


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I then took a look at the water in the bird bath. Although there was less zapping around, the rotifers and paramecia were still there as well as plenty of algae and diatoms.

alga 02 bleach normal sharpenalga 01



Finally, I scattered some pollen from the amaryllis that is flowering on the windowsill.


amaryllis pollen 01amaryllis pollen 02